Trevor Huxley Part 2/ FINALE
Sep 28, 2024
5 min read
Chapter 2
The next morning, Sir Trevor woke up with a mission. He decided to take a few sailors and a few women too. The sailors were Sam, Tommy, Martin and Brian. The women were Rosalina, Mary, Ann and Emma. They set off to explore the island for new species, while the others stayed behind to make tools and cut down some more trees for some more shelter.
“Save some berries for me!” Tommy called as they traveled further inland.
Sir Trevor and his group headed further inland. Suddenly, a large frog jumped out of a clump of leaves.
“Oh gosh!” Trevor heard Mary say.
He jumped, clearly surprised too. The crew must’ve been too because he heard gasps. Trevor raced over to the spot where the frog had landed. He examined it closely with interest.
“What in tarnation is that?” Trevor heard Martin ask.
“It’s a frog, Martin,” said Brian, rolling his eyes. “It’s in Trevor’s palm, can’t you see?”
They all leaned closer.
“Wow!” Emma said when she had her first glimpse of a frog.
“Wow!” pretty much summarized the frog. It was lush green and had blue eyes. Its feet were bright purple. Trevor had never seen a frog so colourful before. It had red pupils and it looked very peculiar indeed. As Trevor thought of a name, he saw it ambush a fly with ease, pinning it to a leaf swiftly and silently. After Trevor saw this, he decided to name this frog “The Assassin Frog”. After the encounter, the crew kept moving.
The crew had been moving for an hour and they were all exhausted. They had an encounter with a few wild animals, but the crew took care of them easily. Suddenly, Trevor heard a bloodcurdling scream. He saw a creature in the shadows, dragging Trevor’s wife, who was entangled in a series of spider webs.
She let out another scream and Trevor fumbled in the shelter for a gun, but it was too late. The monster was gone, along with his wife. Tears ran down Trevor’s face, fearing his wife’s end was near. He turned to the crew, who were watching the whole scene with wide eyes and open mouths.
Trevor took a deep breath, fighting back tears and said, “Everyone, you might be thinking she would not survive, but I will get her back.”
With a heavy heart, Trevor climbed into the shelter, along with his crew, to go to bed. Trevor had nightmares about his wife being tortured at this very moment in time.
Chapter 3
The next day, the crew woke up to the sound of more screaming. Trevor rushed outside to see that another sailor was being dragged out of his hammock into the trees by a weird-looking mutated spider buff human!
It was hideous. It had 12 limbs, 10 legs and 2 arms and it had black hair all over its body and eight eyes and a very big posterior.
Everyone obliged, sneaking into the brush behind the mutated buff spider thing. Trevor decided to call it “The Spider Human Hybrid”. He made a mental note of this as they followed the Spider Human Hybrid.
They followed the Spider Human Hybrid for hours until they came into a big clearing.
“This must be their base camp,” whispered Martin.
They looked around the camp. Some were cooking meat on top of campfires, some were taking care of babies and kids, while others were building tents and hammocks.
Trevor was lucky that his crew brought a few rifles. They quietly tried to step away from the clearing, but Trevor heard a twig snap underneath his foot loudly. All the Weird Mutated Buff Spider Human Thingys stopped what they were doing and jerked their heads toward the intruders. It was as if time froze for one moment as the two groups stared at each other, determined to kill the other species. Then, all chaos broke loose.
Trevor could see the Hybrids grabbing spears and swords by the campfire, while his men fumbled with their rifles.
The Hybrids got closer and closer. Brian, Sammy, Tommy and Martin could hear their pincers clicking and their warm breath on their faces until the first gunshot rang out. BANG! Martin had managed to hit one of the Hybrids in the face. It staggered back, clutching its face. Black blood spilled out of the Hybrid and it fell to the ground, oozing blood and eyes on the floor as it did. It fell with a loud THUD! The other Hybrids looked terrified at the sound and the destruction of the rifle. They circled the four sailors, ready to rip them limb by limb.
The men were helpless. Martin and Brian had been disarmed with a sweep of a Hybrid’s appendage. Tommy and Sam tried to reload as fast as possible, but if they shot one, another took its place. A Hybrid was gnawing at Sam’s arm and another was trying to bite Brian’s head off. The men huddled together, knowing this was the end.
Suddenly, a bucket came out of nowhere and bashed into one of the Hybrid’s skulls. It fell to the ground, unconscious. A sharpened broom handle stabbed the Hybrid in the chest, pulling out its heart. The men looked up at their saviour.
It was Mary. She brought the bucket down on a few more Hybrids. They worked together with a tactic. Mary knocked out the Hybrids, then the men would shoot them with their rifles.
The other women were battling too. Emma single-handedly killed 3 Hybrids with a bag of coconuts. Rosalina had taken a spear from the Hybrid’s campfire and started to stab many of them. Ann performed a series of astonishing karate and taekwondo which the others have never seen before.
“MARY! BEHIND YOU !” Brian screamed.
Mary turned around in time to see a Hybrid’s fist hit her head. She fell to the floor, her arms splayed and her head was bleeding badly. The Hybrid’s eyes were glimmering with malice. It looked like it was going in for the kill. Suddenly, a coconut hit the Hybrid on the head. Everyone turned to see Emma holding her bag close to her. They looked around the clearing. Bodies and bodies of Hybrids were sprawled out across the camp. Black blood was everywhere and also bug guts. There was only one Hybrid left.
Trevor was battling with the chief of the Hybrids. It threw a punch at Trevor, but Trevor shot its arm off, but it didn't matter because he still had 4 appendages left and it grabbed a pair of iron nunchucks on a wooden table. It managed to land a hit on Trevor’s shoulder. He fell to the ground. It jumped and raised the nunchucks above its head. Suddenly, a sharp stick stabbed the chief right in the heart in midair.
Trevor turned his head to see Brian pulling a blood-stained stick out of the Chief’s body. He helped Trevor to his feet. He looked around for his wife. Above the Chief’s throne was a huge spider web.
Trevor saw his wife entangled in the sticky silk. He cut free her and the sailor next to her. They got each other to their feet, looked at the bloodshed camp for one last time and walked away from the wreck and havoc they caused.
10 months have passed since the big battle against the Hybrids. The camp had grown. They now had individual huts for themselves, a barn for the animals and a dock to go fishing. Trevor woke up to see a steamboat heading for the island. Trevor’s excitement locked on like a torpedo and he called everyone. At last, they were finally rescued, ready to share their amazing tale back in England.